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Reporting errors in SCP

Please report any typos or other suspected errors in the e-Book SCP.  I will make a list and post them from time to time.  You can just use the comment space here.  I just noticed that Fig. 17.1 is misnumbered.

G. Lagarde took issue with the statement" "Each pixel typically contains one sensor element so nothing smaller than one pixel can be resolved." His comments were not posted because of a site limit of 1000 words. I would respond that "resolve" and "detect" are different things. We certainly can detect stars with sensors, but we cannot resolve two stars that are separated by less than one pixel width on a sensor. I welcome more discussion.

Posted by Charles on August 06, 2009 at 04:47 PM EDT #

At page 64 of the book you wrote: "Each pixel typically contains one sensor element so nothing smaller than one pixel can be resolved." In my opinion this quite inaccurate and here is what I consider as a proof of that: when one takes a photograph of a dark power line against a bright sky from a distance large enough to result in an image of the power line much thiner than a pixel, none of the pixels will be as dark as the power line is but the power line will be very visible. A harsh application of your statment would imply it should not be visible at all... This example is the first one I actually encountered in real life (knowing the height of a distant building I photographed, an approximation of the diameter of a power line wich was next to it and the number of pixels in the heigth of the sensor, I was very disturbed to see the power lines in the resulting image!) An other common example is that the stars don't disapear brutally when their apparent diameter get lower than a single pixel. This depends of the contrast but on thin textures like leaves on a distant tree my guess is that this play a significant but certainly less obvious role. Besides that, because I make many stitched panoramas and because common "half-true" rules about perspective, DoF, diffraction, etc, often don't apply at all in this case, I find your book extremely useful. Example: http://www.autopano.net/forum/t6722-une-plante-grasse-de-ma-terrasse-a-fleuri http://www.autopano.net/forum/t6731-want-larger-dof-use-f22-or-f32-aperture-shoot-more-images

Posted by Georges Lagarde on August 09, 2009 at 02:54 PM EDT #

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