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Figure numbering errors in the book SCP

In reviewing the text and converting the figures for publication, a number of errors and inconsistencies in the numbering of figures were found.  Also, three previously unnumbered illustrations have been given numbers.  Before the corrections, there was little confusion because each reference in the text referred to the appropriate nearby figure.  This explains why proof readers missed the inconsistencies.  The changes are listed below:


1.  In Section 8.3 the figure illustrating field curvature was not numbered.  It is now Fig. 8.4.  Therefore, the figures after it have been renumbered as follows: 8.4 -> 8.5, 8.5->8.6


2.  In some copies Fig. 12.9 was incorrectly numbered as 4.9.


3.  The figure number 12.12 was skipped.  Therefore, figures have been renumbered as follows:  12.13->12.12, 12.14->12.13, 12.15>12.14, 12.16->12.15


4.  Section 14.5, Page 120, after Fig. 14.6 in the paragraph beginning: “A comparison of the resolution …,”  steadians (sr) should be steradians (sr).


5.  In Chapter 15 the figures were numbered 15.10, 15.11, then 15.10 again.  The second Fig. 15.10 is renumbered 15.12 and the figure numbers after that are shifted as follows: 15.11->15.13, 15.12->15.14, 15.13->15.15


6.  The illustration of single opponent cells above 15.13 (new 15.15) has been given the number 15.15 and the “Color opponent axes against the CIE diagram” is now Fig. 15.16.


7.  Figure 15.14 is now 15.17 (Red/Cyan double opponency cells)


8.  The figure numbers in Chapter 16 started with 16.5.  Now the first figure is 16.1 and all the numbers after that have been reduced by four.  Therefore: 16.5->16.1, 16.6->16.2, 16.7->16.3, 16.8->16.4, 16.9->16.5, 16.10->16.6, 16.11->16.7, 16.12->16.8


9.  In Appendix E the figure is now numbered Fig. E.1


Of course, the associated numbers in the text have been corrected to refer to the new figure numbers.


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