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Photo shoot on Mount Desert Island, ME, and Grand Manan Island, NB

We returned on August 25th from a great vacation/photo shoot in Maine and Canada.  I came back with about 1500 images from my Canon 40D and XTi cameras.  The numbers were inflated by the fact that I used HDR methods for most landscape shots and 6.5 frames per second when appropriate for photographing birds and whales.  Unfortunately, I have been so busy preparing SCP for publication that I have had little time to work up the images. (Yes, there is good news; more about that later.)  I have gotten the images into Lightroom with at least minimal key wording, and I was able prepared a dozen or so slides to show a local camera group.  I concentrated on the wildlife shots first because (1) some of them are exciting and (2) they do not require HDR processing.  I plan to post a gallery as I have done with some of my previous photo shoots.  For now I would like to show one animal interaction sequence.  On the ferry to Grand Manna Island I saw gulls and a seal in the ocean.  There was a lot of activity and I started shooting using my 100-400mm lens at 400mm and the 40D mounted on a monopod.  A sequence of shots (here) all taken within a second show a lesser black-backed gull trying to steal a perch from a seal.


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